Friday 18 October 2019

Rugby World Cup Sports

This week on Monday our school did Rugby World Cup. My team was Australia. It was really fun because there were a lot of games. My favorite game is tough but it is netball. How you play it is you have to get the ball to the other side but you cant run you have to pass it to your team mate.

My team came 1st and the prize we got was a chocolate bar. My team got 60 points and we never lost a game.;

Friday 20 September 2019

Current Events: Area 51 raid

Area 51 is a place that has been hidden for a long time. Before people found it, it was not even on google maps. Even if you were near Area 51 you would be in jail for 1 year or be charged. Now 200000 people and more are going to raid it and see what is in it. Some people think there are aliens in there. I think if there were aliens in there they would of moved them and still I don't think 200000 + could get in. The raid is on September 20th 2019.  Watch the news to find out what happens.

Friday 26 July 2019

Pest Invasion

WALT: Infer from the text
This is what we have been doing this week and lots more work. What we did was to read the clues and then figure out what animal pest they were talking about. Then when we found out what animal it was we had to research and write 2 or 3 facts about it.

Wednesday 3 July 2019

This week we have been reading a book about wish tree. Wish tree is about a tree that could talk and there was a school near the tree. Someone carved leave in the tree  as a message for the Muslim family who lived there which was mean.  At the end of the book ever one tied wishes that said stay on the tree.

Friday 17 May 2019

Book Week 2019

On book character day me and my friends dressed as skateboarders. 
We had a lot of fun in book week. The skater I dressed up as was Shane O'Neill but as a group of skaters we were called Skate Crew.

Thursday 11 April 2019

Anzac Art

This last week of the term we made some art. The art we made was about Anzac.  we have been learning about the importance of the poppy and also about the animals rhat went to war. We made a painted background one day and then the next day we made same poppies using sharpies and pastels.  I am pleased with how my final art looks but if I did it again I would make my poppies bigger.

financial literacy

this week we did financial literacy about your budget balance. the budget balance sheet is like a pay check you get your income i had 757.70 then you had to pay your tax and your mortgage but i dident have to pay my mortgage beacause i had a full house that means i have pad all my mortgage. and then you have to pay your groceries then you get a fortune crad a fortune card is when you get a fortune and it can be bad or good then after you pay ever thing you have to add up ever thing and we how much money then you have to do that for 4 weeks and then add up all the money you have left i had 836.40 left and then you have a saveing in your saveing you have 2000 at the start then you had up the money you had left from the 4 weeks and add them together and know in my saveing i have 2836.40.

Friday 22 March 2019

Colour Poem

Walt: To write a poem that creates a picture in
the reader's mind using precise adjectives and nouns.

This week we wrote colour poems.
I enjoyed doing this activity because
we got to choose our own colour
and it was something new.

Here is my poem:

Arctic blue is biting cold like the water at the base of the Hokitika gorge.

Arctic blue is crisp like the air on a clear winters day.

Arctic blue is the shimmering scale of a bluefin tuna.

Tuesday 19 March 2019

Brunner Mines Exlposion


This week we went to the Brunner Mine Site. In 1896 the Brunner Mines explosion happened killing 65 men.  At the mine site we dressed up looking like the people in 1896 and we made a play for the Brunner Mine disaster. The play was for what all the kids and men and women did back in 1896.

We also went to the cemetery to see where 33 of the people that died in the Brunner Mines.  Me and some of my friends had to say all of the names of the people that died in the Brunner Mine during our remembrance ceremony.

Friday 22 February 2019

What's been in the news this week...

This latest week in the news there has been an article about a huge great white shark called Deep Blue. It is one of the biggest great white sharks ever caught on camera and it was seen near Hawaii. The divers said it was pregnant and not hungry at the time so that is why they could get close to it. 

Great white sharks have 2 to 12 eggs born at a time. Great white sharks can live up to 60 years old.  Great white sharks can grow up to 4-5 to 6-5m long but that is a female shark. Male sharks are 3.5 to 4m long. Great white sharks can weigh up to 500kgs to 1000kgs +. 

Did you know a  Megalodon is 18 meters long. That is bigger then a bus?

I would NOT like to swim with this shark!